Toihan has elevated wastewater treatment to a new level with a computer vision application. FLOCMARK® analyzes microscopic images of biosludge, utilizing intelligent computer technology, thus eliminating human error and allowing room for more accurate analysis.

FLOCMARK® is used for extracting numeric data from biosludge microscopic image objects. Computer vision analysis of biosludge structure is a fundamental tool in Minimum Effluent Strategy for wastewater treatment, enabling precise control over the activated sludge process.

Most important functionality in biological effluent treatment is to convert dissolved organic load and nutrients into suspended solids, that can be separated by settling in clarifiers. The control of good biosludge structural quality is in high importance for efficient process performance. With well-operated biological treatment that support strong biosludge floc formation, the effluent quality can be significantly improved.

Systematic and objective recording of biosludge structural development is needed to open opportunities for minimizing chemical and energy consumption in effluent treatment.

FLOCMARK® image analysis workflow described below:

  1. The images are taken by mill personnel with microscope that includes a digital camera
  2. Camera settings are standardized by the, magnification (100x),  brightness and resolution
  3. Images are uploaded to Toihan cloud with web browser and computer vision analysis results are displayed in user interface
  4. Image analysis covers the whole biosludge structure, including traditional filament analysis, but also floc area, density, and size distributions


Toihan offers FLOCMARK® trials periods for new customers, after which many mills have continued the use of computer vision analysis as part of their Minimum Effluent Strategy implementation.